fun!! but i am stupid.. are u??
If u have time, maybe u would like to watch this:
arti-47: not sure have u seen this before?
As a teacher, you need to be firm. everyone tells me that.
for me, i feel that being firm is screaming and insisting that you want it like the way u want sometimes to the extent that u are being stubborn. but that's me!
But i feel that im not doing it the right way, cos the effect usually cos students to hate me, as i seem as if im unreasonable and humiliating them cos i scream so much at them.
when im in one of my better mood, maybe i'll just let it go, but these few days the students tend to piss me off so much that i tend to go into any class with a black face. and i feel like muffling, casting a spell, slapping or pure strangling those big-mouthed ppl. i can't stand them. not only becos they're talkative, they spout vulgarities like nobody's business. irritating. i think their vocab in vulgarities is much better in their English one. i think they're multi-lingual, their knowledge of hokkien, malay and even tamil vulgar words is impressive. can't believe it.
maybe i shd insist that im not happy by the fact that they scream vulgarities no matter wat, but im afraid that i would nv be able to deliver my lesson everytime i stop to address this.
anyway, just when i was contemplating whether i should continue in this line, i received the letter from MOE to tell me to sign the bond which i did. dunno whether i made the right decision, but no matter what i still am going to teach, even if they think i might not do well. i will try my best, so wish me luck!!
i think im lucky to leave this place before i get polluted by all the vulgarities. im glad im going off to NIE. gonna be a nice break for me. :)
one of my fav songs.. the chinese version i got to know first, korean version is wat touched me.. nice.. quite old tho..
Yun fall down is not cute.. but this is cute!! hee..
Got beaten up by kids to give me colourful bruises on my body..
Nah, actually yun fell down in the staffroom. flew from 3rd level to 2nd level down the spiral staircase, classic tui xue scenario. see my bruises:

Took pictures of the two most terribly hit spot. was lucky i didn't hit my spine or i'll be paralysed.. was rushing to class down the stairs when this unfortunate thing happened. so unfortunate, so lao kui. bleah~~
im ok now, dun worry. only these two major bruises, hope no other turn up tml.. tml is ktv day!! yay!! tho tonite i gonna rush out my exam papers.. bleah!! 2 sleepless nites gone, more to come until i get this settled.. yawnz..
sorry everyone im really really bz.. but i will oso meet up with u if u all are free.. :)
my ploy to get sick so that i can get sick failed and that's why my suayest day in my entire life happened.. also must be me getting fat and clumsy. i fell down the 2nd time this yr.. the last time was in a dark cinema with cut and bruises on both knees.. wat can be worse.. hope i be careful..
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.
Sent to me by an ex-colleague.. been busy nowadays.. cannot breathe.. blog more next time..
Check out my new pet!!
LEft hand bottom of the table of links!!